Central Orange County Emergency Animal Hospital

Melinda Dayhuff, DVM

Dr Melinda Dayhuff - Veterinarian in Newport Beach

Dr. Dayhuff is a native of Southern California. Endlessly fascinated by all things animal, she knew she wanted to be a veterinarian by the tender age of 4.

After high school she enrolled at the Davis campus of the University of California. She left Davis in 1994 with her BS in Animal Science (small ruminant/dairy focus), her MS in Avian Science (molecular and cellular genetics focus), and her DVM (Small Animal Track).

After graduation, she returned to SoCal and worked in general practice until 2002, when she switched interests to Emergency and Critical Care.

She met Dr. Kim during his residency training, as their respective employers happened to share a building.
Dr. Dayhuff came to COCEAH after 18 months at a corporate, multi-specialty 24 hour practice, and has a total of 15 years experience specifically in Emergency/Critical Care.

Never without the company of dogs, she has been an active competitor in the dog sport of flyball since 1995, and dog agility since 2006. Her home is also shared with her pet laughing dove, named Coocoo Monga.