Cat Veterinarian

Central Orange County Emergency Animal Hospital

Regarding emergencies, kittens and cats can’t tell us they’re choking or in pain. Therefore, it is necessary to learn to recognize emergency situations.

When we have a veterinary emergency? And When is a veterinary urgency? An emergency is a situation that puts our cat’s life at immediate risk and can make a difference between life and death. Urgency is a significant concern for cat owners but does not compromise our pet’s life. 

Here, we share some small tips, so pet parents know what to do in an emergency, recognize obvious clinical signs, and look for a cat vet near you before bringing your pet to Central Orange County Emergency Animal Hospital.

Among examples of emergencies, the basic things that can help you recognize if your cat is choking, we include a list for you to consider:

Also, if your cat is panting, that is a Cat ER, and you must take it urgently to an emergency hospital because that is not normal.

What Are the Most Traditional Emergencies That Occur?

Our feline friends intoxicate with antidepressants, marijuana, or chocolate. So, be careful not to leave your pills within your cat’s reach.

Also, cat ERs occur from being run over or bitten, producing polytrauma and internal injuries. Finally, one of the most common emergencies is falling from a height, especially from buildings producing agonizing pain. Therefore, we advise installing a mesh on your balcony to prevent your cat from falling.

Signs of Heatstroke in the summer can also cause veterinary emergencies. Therefore, it is crucial to moisten your kitten’s paws and keep it in a cool environment.

Similarly to humans, cats can also be at risk of death and therefore need to be admitted to an emergency hospital for treatment in the intensive and intermediate care units.

Just like people, a cat might require rescue breathing and need oxygen. In addition, patients with respiratory and neurological pathologies that require mechanical ventilation might get general anesthesia and constant monitoring.

Some patients recover after 24 to 48 hours of mechanical ventilation and then can have a normal life or with medication depending on the pathology.

For example, a kitten admitted for poisoning may require one to three days on life support, but they usually come out and recover very well and have a perfectly normal life.

We have a dedicated team of patient escorts who care for the recovery, feeding our feline friends and keeping them comfortable. We also provide emotional accompaniment to pet owners with cats entering the hospital in critical condition.

We have veterinarians with tremendous compassionate care and professional qualities. However, the best way to provide health for your cat is through prevention, so take care of your pet.

If your feline friend requires emergency vet care, call us at (949) 261-7979 to let us know you are coming and give us some time to prepare and provide your pet with the care you need. After-hours emergency vet locations serve Newport Beach, Santa Ana, Newport Coast, Mission Viejo, Fountain Valley, and Huntington Beach.