Do Cats Meow at Other Cats?

Cats meow mostly at humans for various reasons, but they will still communicate with other cats in non-verbal ways.

You probably think your cat does not need to speak since they are very capable of communicating. They are.

As a cat owner, you may have noticed that your cat companion has a unique way of communicating with you and the world around them: meowing. Cats meow for various reasons, and understanding their vocalizations can help strengthen your bonds and meet their needs.

Meowing is primarily a form of communication between cats and their human companions. It’s their way of getting your attention, expressing their desires, or signaling that something is amiss. Like when they need their bowl filled with food for the 3rd time in the day.

When a cat meows, they may be seeking food, water, love, or want to go outside. In some cases, they simply want your company. People label cats as independent, but they are very needy in some ways as well.

Paying attention to the context and frequency of meowing can give you clues about what your cat is trying to convey.

How to Read My Cat’s Meowing?

Kittens meow to communicate with their mother, but as they grow older, they typically reserve meowing for interactions with humans. Cats quickly learn that their meows elicit responses from their owners, and they use this vocalization to get what they want.

For example, if your cat meows and you respond by filling their food bowl, they may associate meowing with being fed and use it as a strategy in the future.

However, persistent meowing can sometimes indicate an underlying issue. Medical problems, such as pain or discomfort, can cause a cat to vocalize more than usual. Stress, anxiety, or environmental changes can also lead to increased meowing.

If you notice a sudden change in your cat’s meowing behavior, it’s best to consult with a veterinarian to rule out any potential health problems.

Each cat has a unique personality and vocal patterns. Observing and responding appropriately to your cat’s meows, you can develop a deeper understanding of their needs, and they’ll love you for that.

Do Cats Meow at Each Other?

Primarily, cats use meowing as a means of communication with humans rather than with other cats. However, there are some scenarios where cats may meow at each other, although it’s not as common or extensive as their interactions with humans.

Adult cats tend to rely more on body language, scent marking, and vocalizations other than meowing when communicating with their feline counterparts. They use postures, facial expressions, tail movements, and hissing or growling to establish boundaries, display dominance, or initiate play.

These non-verbal forms of communication are more effective and nuanced for cats in their social interactions. But there are situations where cats may meow at each other, for example, during mating season.

Female cats in heat may emit distinctive meows to attract the attention of male cats. Male cats may also vocalize in response to this, indicating their interest or readiness to mate.

In multi-cat households or when cats encounter unfamiliar cats, they may occasionally meow at each other as part of their initial communication. These meows are typically short and serve as a way to establish territorial boundaries or communicate a cautious greeting.

Why Do Cats Meow?

Cats meow for various reasons, and it can be more or less urgent/important depending on the occasion, but you should always pay attention to the message.


Domestic cats meow to get your attention. They have learned that meowing often prompts a response from their humans, so they just use it as a way to communicate their needs or desires. It can be a request for food, playtime, or just attention.

Hunger and Thirst

If your cat is hungry, they may meow to let you know that it’s mealtime. This meowing can be persistent and demanding, especially if they associate their meows with being fed in the past.

Similar to hunger, a cat may meow to indicate that they need water. Make sure your cat has access to fresh water at all times to prevent excessive meowing due to thirst.

Discomfort or Pain

Cats also meow to express discomfort and pain. If your cat’s meowing is accompanied by other signs like restlessness, changes in appetite, or grooming patterns, it could indicate an underlying health issue.

It’s important to monitor their behavior and consult their veterinarian if you notice something is off.

Stress or Anxiety

Cats meow more when they are feeling stressed or anxious. Environmental changes, new people or animals in the household, or disruptions to their routine can trigger increased vocalization.

Providing a calm and stable environment for your cat can help reduce stress-related meowing. Also, try playing with them at least a little every day.

Aging or Cognitive Decline

Older cats may meow more frequently as they age or experience cognitive decline. It’s essential to provide them with extra care, comfort, and veterinary attention during this stage of life.

How to Understand Kittens Meowing?

Kittens meow to communicate with their mother or siblings, especially when they are very young. It serves as a way to locate each other, express hunger, or seek comfort. As they grow older, their meowing towards other cats decreases significantly.

Pay attention to the situation and accompanying body language when a kitten meows. Are they near their food bowl, litterbox, or closed door? Understanding the context can give you clues about what they might be trying to communicate.

Respond to their meows with affection, play, or gentle petting to fulfill their social needs. Kittens also meow if seeking comfort and security. Providing a warm and safe environment, with a cozy bed, and toys, it’s very important for them.

Apart From Meowing, What Other Forms of Communication Use Cats?

Cats are very expressive. They can communicate through a combination of vocalizations, body language, and scent marking.

Body Language in Cats

The tail position is often a clear indicator of their mood. A high, upright tail signifies confidence and happiness, while a lowered or tucked tail may suggest fear or submission.

When a cat is weaving their tail rapidly and strongly, it usually means they are upset. This is not a good time to pet or bother your cat.

Ear Position

Erect ears facing forward indicate attentiveness, while flattened ears signal fear or aggression.


Cats purr when they are content and relaxed. It also serves as a means of communication to express friendliness and comfort.

Kittens tend to purr a lot more frequently than older cats. But purring in older cats means they like you.


Cats rub their bodies or faces against objects or people to leave their scent and mark their territory. It’s friendly and affiliative behavior.

Cats have scent glands on their cheeks. When they rub their faces against something or someone, they transfer their scent.

So yes, if a cat rubs against you, they are kind of claiming you as part of their property.

Scent Marking

Urine marking is very different from scent marking since the last one is imperceptible to humans.

Cats use urine marking, typically spraying on vertical surfaces, to communicate their presence, territorial boundaries, or reproductive status. This behavior is more common in unneutered cats.


Play-fighting with other cats or their human companions can be a form of communication and bonding. Pouncing, chasing, and batting are some of the playful actions they use to communicate.

Animal Hospital Near Me – Veterinarian Newport Beach

Newport Beach is a great area to have pets since there is so much space for walks and outdoor activities. Though the area is not that big, everyone is looking for an “animal hospital near me.”

Central Orange County Emergency Hospital is a great alternative for a veterinarian in Newport Beach. Animals often need emergency care more than regular appointments since they can only show symptoms instead of communicating them.

Finding an animal hospital in Newport Beach is essential for those cases of emergency, such as intoxications, traumas and injuries, surgery, and the like.

Your cat is always welcome at our animal hospital!

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