Central Orange County Emergency Animal Hospital

Jai Jung, DVM, MS

Dr.Jay Jung

Dr. Jung graduated from the College of Veterinary Medicine in South Korea (Chungbuk National University) and completed ECFVG (Educational Commission for Foreign Veterinary Graduates) while working as an associate veterinarian for 2 years in the diagnostic imaging section of Chunguk National University Veterinary Medical Center. For those 2 years, he was reading radiographs, ultrasound, CT, and MR images under the supervision of professors there and he also was involved in research related to small animal ultrasound and MRI. After coming to the United States, Dr. Jung underwent 1 year of clinical rotation at Louisiana State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital and 1 year of rotating internship at the Veterinary Specialty Center of Tucson in Arizona. Dr. Jung likes reading radiographs and performing ultrasounds at Central Orange County Emergency Animal Clinic.


Cardiac Magnetic Resonance imaging of Patent Ductus Arteriosus in three dogs 2017;58 (1); 62–75 Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound

Computed tomographic and radiographic bronchial collapse may be a normal characteristic of forced expiration in dogs 2018;59 (5); 551–563 Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound