
Tips From Central Orange County Emergency Animal Hospital

Make sure you provide your dog with the dental care they require.

Do Dogs Need Dental Care?

Dogs, as humans, need more overall health care than just going to the veterinarian every time something is wrong with them. Prevention and good habits are essential in maintaining good health and avoiding various diseases.

Cats meow mostly at humans for various reasons, but they will still communicate with other cats in non-verbal ways.

Do Cats Meow at Other Cats?

You probably think your cat does not need to speak since they are very capable of communicating. They are. As a cat owner, you may have noticed that your cat companion has a unique way

Cats meow mostly at humans for various reasons, but they will still communicate with other cats in non-verbal ways.

Do Cats Meow at Other Cats?

You probably think your cat does not need to speak since they are very capable of communicating. They are. As a cat owner, you may have noticed that your cat companion has a unique way